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Jenny’s Overall ELA Score

Jenny’s score of 2540 met the grade five standard.

The score range for grade five is 2200–2730. A score of 2502 or higher meets the grade five standard.

Jenny’s Score History

Jenny’s score increased from last year, enough to reach a higher level.
Grade Grade 3 Grade 4 Grade 5
Score 2366 2450 2540
Level Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

The arrow represents how far Jenny’s score is from reaching the next level. Standards for the next grade are higher than for the previous grade. As a result, students may need a higher score to stay in the same level as the previous year.

Jenny’s Performance Areas

Reading and Listening

How well did Jenny understand written and spoken information?

Near Standard

Writing and Research

How well did Jenny use research skills and communicate in writing?

Near Standard

Jenny’s Essay Performance

Jenny was assigned a narrative essay as part of the test. Jenny’s essay is scored in three categories and provides additional information about Jenny’s writing.


Did the writing tell a complete story with a setting, character(s), and a clear sequence of events?

2 out of 4


Were the experiences, characters, setting, and events clearly developed in the story? Did the writing make use of effective vocabulary, figurative language, and style?

2 out of 4


Did the writing include correct sentence formation, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and grammar?

2 out of 2

Jenny’s Lexile® Measure

Lexile measures are reported from the Smarter Balanced for ELA assessment. Lexile measures show the level of text your child can read and understand independently. To learn more about these measures and to access Lexile resources to support learning, visit


How Jenny’s Score Compares

Your Child’s Score School Average State
2540 2515 2510