2023–24 CAA for Science Form Assignments by Name or CDS Code

Use the search tool to search the local educational agency (LEA) or school by name or CDS code to view the assigned test form for the CAA for Science 2023–24 administration. A school that does not appear on the list will be assigned form 1 by the test delivery system at the time of administration.

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Download Directions for Administration

The CAA for Science Administration Planning Guides are available annually each spring, and can be found on the CAA for Science Administration Planning Guides web page. The Directions for Administration (DFA) are available annually each September. Take the following steps to access CAA for Science Directions for Administration (DFAs) in the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) external icon:

  1. Select the [Resources] navigation tab.
  2. Select CAA for Science DFAs from the Available Materials list.
  3. Select the button corresponding with the grade being tested.
  4. Scroll down the page to find the form number assigned.
  5. Select a PDF link to initiate the download process for each embedded performance task.