Sample Student Score Reports

Find sample Student Score Reports (SSRs) for all assessments on this page, including samples of SSRs in languages other than English. SSRs are generated in English for all students, and—if the student's primary language is Spanish, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Cantonese, Filipino, Korean, or Arabic—an additional SSR in the student's primary language is provided in the same file. If the student’s primary language is either Mandarin or Cantonese, they will receive an SSR in traditional Chinese.

SSRs have been redesigned and are now available in both PDF and HTML format. HTML SSRs are optimized to be viewed on a variety of devices, including mobile devices. LEAs whose parent portal vendor is set up to receive this file format can distribute web-based HTML SSRs through the parent portal. Coordinators can check with their parent portal vendor to check if this format will be available.

Smarter Balanced for ELA and Mathematics and CAST Sample SSRs

Sample SSRs in English

CAA Sample SSRs

Sample SSRs in English

CSA Sample SSRs

Sample SSRs in English


Lexile® and Quantile® Measures Sample SSRs

Student Score Report Language Options

Students receive an SSR in English and one in the student's primary language if that language is Spanish, Vietnamese, Filipino, Korean, Mandarin, or Cantonese. Please note that if a student's primary language is either Mandarin or Cantonese, they will receive an SSR in Traditional Chinese. If a student should receive an SSR in a language that is available but is not the student’s primary language in CALPADs, changes can be made to the student’s SSR language in TOMS before the student completes testing. LEA coordinators should take the following steps to change the student’s SSR language:

  1. Navigate to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) external icon.
  2. Select the [Students] navigation tab in TOMS.
  3. Enter the student name or enter the Organization and select the [SEARCH] button to generate a list of students.
  4. Select the [View] magnifying glass icon in the Actions column to open the Student Profile.
  5. Select the [Reporting] tab on the Student Profile screen.
  6. Select the language needed for the SSR in the SSR Language field.
  7. Select the [SUBMIT] or [UPDATE] button.

Last Reviewed: May 10, 2021